Onondogacona – the beautiful Indian name for Bone Lake, means LAKE OF THE SMALL PINES.  Carbon dating of artifacts shows the first known settlers were Indians who lived on Indian Point circa 900 A.D.  These Indians were the mound builders, and bone, pottery and beads made from shells have been found in the remains of their campsites. The mounds built by these people are very ancient, they outdate the traditions of the Indians who were here when the country was discovered.  The early Indians were a very large race physically and quite advanced.  They possessed arts akin to the Aztecs.  Whether they were driven away, or what became of them will possible never be known.


Calderwood Lodge, on the eastern shore of Bone Lake has a fascinating history.  It is a beautiful stone building and was built by Charles E. Calder and his three sons – Charles, Paul and Jack.  Charlie Calder came to the lake in 1898 on his summer vacation.  Soon afterward he and his sons built the cottage just off County Road I.  In 1922, they began the present building and with the help of Mike Yourchuck and others, completed the building in July of 1923.  Father Phillip Gordon was the only Indian priest in the area and he conducted Sunday Mass on the West Porch of the Calderwood Lodge.  Guests came to spend the summer or a weekend.  Charlie Calder would meet them at the Luck Depot and transport them to the lodge.

There are many stories concerning Al Capone and other gangsters who supposedly visited at Calderwood Lodge and the Shedd property at the north end of the lake.

This short narrative on Bone Lake would not be complete without reference to the two islands which have a colorful past. 

When the first white man arrived in this area, they found the large island had many human bones lying about.  Chief Archie Mossay relates this story:  The Sioux had been in control of this territory, but the Ojibwa (renamed the Chippewa as the early settlers count not pronounce Ojibwa), driven out of the east by the encroachment of the white man, found this area more desirable.  They fought with the Sioux and defeated them, thus gaining control of the land.  One of the great battles was fought on the big island.  The Sioux had retreated there and were able to defend against all  comers…..but in the winter, they were surrounded and defeated by the Ojibwa.  The many bones around the lake after these battles gave the lake it’s new name – Bone Lake.